Dogs for sale
Puppies, trained dogs, and started dogs for sale
At Boavida we have a selection of dogs which will be available for outright purchase or with a training package attached.
These dogs have currently started their hunting career with us and are perfecting the disciplines they were trained to do in their formal training.
All of our dogs include a handover course, plus you will see your prospective hunting buddy perform in the field.
Dogs currently available
english pointers
Young group of pointers - only ONE MALE still available
We have 6 4 fantastic young pointers for sale (born 31 October 2018)
These young dogs are out of Ioni (Mas Du Zouave Ion, imp. France) and Boavida Mia.
Dogs with lots of run, great retrieves, as well as style.
The dogs are in the field, and have worked various birds, including greywing, and are developing proficiency to work either for individuals or professional hunters.
Due to the uncertanities surrounding the Covid pandemic, we have made the difficult decsiion to put up for sale some of the younger members of our team. All dogs come with a training package for the handler at Boavida.
Ross - SOLD
Born 19 June 2019, Ross is now coming into his own as an all-round hunting dog with great capabilities in the water, field and on the blood track.
Around the house Ross is gentle and easy going with other dogs and people, just like his father, Jork di Costa Rubea (imp. Italy)
This gentleness around the house must not be confused by his explosive talent and fine nose in the field. For a dog of nearly 1 year old his bird finding ability and persistence in the water are unmatched.
Ross is also one of our premier Drahthaars, combining our original import lines with our most recent imports. Ross will certainly be entering the HZP Test when the International Judges come over in 2021. A new owner/handler with this vision in mind, plus the dedication to train him to the ultimate level will be sought for this outstanding Drahthaar.

Chase - SOLD
Chase is a 2 year old GSP (b: 18 April 2018) out of one our favourite girls, Gijima (Boavida Baby Tjoklits) with imported Deutsch Kurzhaar, Freddy vom Grupenhof, (imp. from Germany)
Chase is a great all-rounder, with abilities on the blood track as well as in the field on pointing and retrieving work. His water work is excellent with huge persistence when performing wounded duck searches.
Chase loves the comforts of the house and will settle easily with people around the house.
Chase is available with a training package to get his new owner/handler proficient with him in the field.